Columbus teachers strike ending, U.S. government to stop providing free at-home COVID tests and more, Ohio

Thousands of children in Columbus, Ohio children are heading back to classrooms this week after the state's largest teachers ..."

Columbus teachers strike ending, U.S. government to stop providing free at-home COVID tests and more
Thousands of children in Columbus, Ohio children are heading back to classrooms this week after the state's largest teachers ...
CBS News
August 29, 2022

Video of Columbus "Columbus teachers strike ending, U.S. government to stop providing free at-home COVID tests and more" added to our site on August 29, 2022, by CBS News.

Text description of video "Columbus teachers strike ending, U.S. government to stop providing free at-home COVID tests and more" is Thousands of children in Columbus, Ohio children are heading back to classrooms this week after the state's largest teachers ...

Video Columbus teachers strike ending, U.S. government to stop providing free at-home COVID tests and more has duration 1m 1s

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Columbus teachers strike ending, U.S. government to stop providing free at-home COVID tests and more information

Published August 29, 2022
Views 1,337
Duration 1m 1s
Added by CBS News